He did his Primary Education upto SSLC at St.Pauls High School Belgaum and secured National Scholar with rank to SLLC Board. He did his college education at Pune. He passed B.E (Civil) with 6th Rank to Pune University in 1972, Passed M.E (Structures) in 1976 in 1st class. His Professional Qualification are M.I.E (Full Member, Institution of Engineers, India) , F.I I R A (Fellow of Indian Institute of Registered Architects), F.I.V (Fellow Institution of Valuers (India) , A.M.A.S.C.E ( Associate Member of American Society of Civil Engineers), M.S.E.I ( Member Standards Engineers Institution- India, L.L.B ( Completed in 1992) , Gazetted Valuer recognized by Central Board of Direct Taxes. He is having a profound professional experience having worked as Design Engineer, (M/s Kanetkar & Kulkarni, Pune), Project Manger in Soudi Arabia ( M/s A.A.Al-dossary Establishment and widely traveled internationally.He joined Karnatak Law Society on 18th March, 2000.Inspite of his professional busy schedule, he devotes his energy and talent to the progress and welfare of the Society