CE Tab
- About
- Vision, Mission,PEO,PSO
- Faculty
- Facilities
- Syllabus
- Time Table /Portion for IA/Academic Calendar
- Question Paper
- Gallery
- News Letter
Department of Civil Engineering was started in the year 2010. Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including works such as bridges, roads, canals, dams and buildings. Civil engineering is the oldest engineering discipline. Opportunities exist in the public and private sectors in large numbers in all branches of design, construction and maintenance, infrastructure development. Diploma in Civil Engineering is a three year course, which is split into 6 semesters with each semester examination. Evaluation of the student is done on the basis of theory examination as well as practical examination with equal importance. There are further opportunities for pursuing B.E for the diploma holders in this branch.- HEADS OF DEPARTMENT till date.
Sl No | Name |
7 | Mrs. Laxmi Angadi (20/01/2022- Till Date) |
6 | Mrs. Seema Sheelavantar(19/10/2021-19/01/2022) (I/C) |
5 | Mr. Abhijeet Baikerikar (03/09/2019 - 18/10/2021) |
4 | Mrs. Seema Sheelavantar (01/09/2016 - 02/09/2019) |
3 | Mrs. S.S.Malaj (01/12/2014 - 31/08/2016) |
2 | Mrs. Bindu Shah (01/12/2013 - 30/11/2014) |
1 | Mrs. S.S.Malaj (26/07/2010 - 30/11/2013) |
- Mentors for EVEN SEMESTER 2023-24
- II Sem -Mrs. Seema Sheelavantar
- IV Sem-Ms. Swaroopa Aptekar
- VI Sem-Mr. Pradeep Kulkarni
- VISION STATEMENT: The department of Civil Engineering shall stand out to impart knowledge and excellence in civil engineering and technology with a global perspective so as to make the students ethically strong engineers to build the nation.
- To train the students of department of Civil Engineering to have high caliber technical skills.
- To encourage the students with high ethical values.
- To prepare the students to face the challenges of the future.
- The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) of the Civil Engineering Department:
- PEO1 : To develop zeal for lifelong learning to acquire new knowledge and skills.
- PEO2 : To apply technical knowledge in analyzing problems in the field of Civil Engineering and to aim for sustainable living.
- PEO3: To enhance the ethical values and professional skills to serve the nation and thus contributing towards the betterment of the society.
- The Program Specific Objectives (PSOs) of the Civil Engineering Department:
- PSO 1: The graduates will be able to apply technical knowledge to plan, analyze, design and execute cost effective and sustainable projects.
- PSO 2: The graduates will develop lifelong learning approach with zeal of active participative and leadership qualities with technical knowledge in professional integrity.

Smt. Shridevi S. Malaj
PrincipalBE (Civil),ME(Structures)

Mrs.Laxmi Angadi

Mrs. Seema Sheelavantar
LecturerB.E (Civil)

Mrs Swati Joshi
LecturerM.Tech (Structures)

Ms. Swaroopa Aptekar
InstructorDiploma In Civil Engineering

Mr. Praveen Harapanhalli
Department of Civil Engineering
- Environmental Laboratory
SL. NO. |
1. |
Material Testing Lab |
2. |
Environmental Engineering & Plumbing Lab |
3. |
Surveying Practice Lab |
- An investment of Rs 20 lakhs has been made to set up the laboratories over a span of 2 years. The department has modern equipments like Total Station, Electronic Theodolite, Auto level, Rebound Hammer for non destructive test.
- Facilities provided
- Materials testing laboratory: Material testing lab is set up to test qualities of cement, sand, aggregates and concrete. It has advanced instruments like digital compression testing machine.
- Environmental Engineering laboratory: This lab is set up to test quality of water samples. advanced instruments like spectrophotometer, turbid meter, etc are available in lab.
- Surveying practice lab: This lab has modern instruments like auto level, electronic theodolite, total station etc.
- Construction practice lab.: This lab has latest instruments like rebound hammer for non destructive test, needle vibrator etc.
- Plumbing lab.: Sanitary appliances like wash basin, bath tub, sink, etc are provided in this lab.
- Internet facility is provided for the staff and students.
- Sufficient no of text books with latest version are available in the library.
C-20 Syllabus
Civil Engineering C-20 Syllabus:- Communication Skills Workbook : Communication Skills work book
- Balake Kannada Workbook :balake kannada-1
- Sahitya Sinchana -I Workbook :sahitya sinchana-1
C-15 Syllabus
- CE C-15 Syllabus 1 and 2 sem :CE C-15 1 and 2
- CE C-15 Syllabus 3 and 4 sem :CE C-15 3 and 4
- CE C-15 Syllabus 5 and 6 sem :CE C-15 5 and 6
- V SEM ODD SEM 24-25
- I ,III ODDSEM 24-25
- Portion For IA- CLICK HERE
- Department Calendar of Events: CLICK HERE
C20 Syllabus SEE Question Papers
Engineering Mathematics | |
Construction Materials | |
Project Management Skills | |
Transportation Engg. |
- EVENT: online alumni talk on “career guidance ” and the resource person is Mr. Abhishek Kawale Sr.Engineer AFCONS Infrastructure Ltd on 09/11/2024

- EVENT:“site visit to concrete road construction work” near Shivaji Garden, Shahapur Belagavi for 5th semester students on 06/10/2024

- EVENT: All the 3rd sem students visited ongoing project site at Shahu nagar & Lakshmipuri layout, Belagavi and gained knowledge about building construction and drawing on 30/9/2024. (CBPD 20CE34P & 20CE33P).

- EVENT:Students of 1st sem civil engineering visited “Siddheshwar Granites factory”, khanapur & “Brick manufacturing” unit at garlgungi, Khanapur on 04/9/2024. Along with staff member Mrs.Swati Joshi (lecturer) & Mr.Praveen H(mechanic). Accompanied the students got the opportunity to see granite cutting finishing process, burning process of the bricks on site. (CM 20CE01T)

- EVENT:Mrs.Swati Joshi attended one day workshop on “ Overview on universal Human values”,held at KLS GIT Belagavi on 31/8/2024
- EVENT:“Demo on Traffic Survey”for 5th semester diploma Civil Engineering students, near KLS Gogte College road on 21/08/2024.

- EVENT:Online talk on “ An overview on civil 3D” by Mr. Shubham Mangle for 5th sem students on 21/08/2024

- EVENT:Online technical talk on “ Transportation Engineering Sector overview by “ Yuvaraj Pattanshetti” for 5th sem students on 27/07/2024

- EVENT: Technical talk on “intelligent transportation system” for 3rd and 5th semester students on 13/07/2024.

- Event: Parents meet was conducted for 2nd semester students on 17th February 2024

- Technical Talk-Technical talk was conducted on 03/02/2024 on the topic Materials of concrete and concrete mix design as per IS code.The Resource Person was Mr. Sachin Jayi Relation Engg JK Cement Pvt.Ltd.Belagavi.
- Site Visit-Students of 1 semester Civil and Architecture visited construction site at Ashok Nagar Belgaum. on 13/10/2023.
- Event: Parents meet was arranged for I AND III Semester students on 5th Oct 2023
- Inauguration of ISTE student chapter and Workshop on QGIS –On 25/9/2023 ISTE student chapter was inaugurated and dept of civil engg organized three days hands on workshop on QGIS in association with ACE and ISTE Resource Person : Dr.Nagraj S.Patil, Mr. Akshay Gundagi Chairman and Associate Professor, Dept of Civil Engineering.
- Valedictory Function of QGIS Workshop was conducted on 27/9/2023
- Gallery
- Technical Site Visit:Students of 3rd semester visited terrace roofing work site at KLSVPP on 21/09/2023 and gained information & knowledge of steel structural elements, trusses, connections, arrangement of roofing sheets etc... under the guidance of MR. Pratik R Lohar Lect/CE.

- Technical Site Visit: Students of First semester of department of civil engineering and Architecture visited Siddeshwar Granite factory in khanapur along with the staff members Mrs. Swati Joshi and Mr. Chinmay Bhandari Students had an opportunity to see how granite's are polished and processed in the factory.
- Technical Site Visit:Students of 2nd 4th and 6th semester Civil Engg. Dept visited Balaji RMC Plant and Hidkal Dam on 2nd June 2023 along with staff members Ms. Laxmi Angadi, Mr. Pradeep Kulkarni, Mr. Pratik Lohar and Ms. Swaroopa Aptekar.
- Gallery
- Site Visit:Students of IV semester visited a Building construction site on 22nd May 2023 and gained knowledge of job layout,steel fabrication and structural drawing and detailing under the guidance of Mr. Pratik Lohar.(Lect./CE)
- STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT: Students of Department of Civil Engineering 6th semester from KLS Shri Vasantrao Potdar Polytechnic, Belagavi Master Tejas Patil and Master Sangangouda Patil secured 1st prize in Tricky Surveying Event at National Level Tech Fest ‘Vishwasangam 2k23’ organized by KLE Technological University’s Dr. M.S. Sheshgiri College of Engineering and Technology. Students are awarded with cash prize of ₹ 3000/
- WORKSHOP:Mr. Pratik Lohar conducted a workshop from 31st Jan 2023 to 4th Feb 2023 (one week) on Vastu Shastra in construction for the students of civil Engineering and Architecture department.
- TECHNICAL TALK:Technical Talk was arranged for the final Year students 0n 10th Dec 2022 .The Resource person was Mrs. Pooja Patil Joshi Asst. Transport Planner from ‘Civil Trans’ Bangalore during the session students were enlightened regarding the ongoing case study of replanning the existing railway station and also were provided with the information of different aspects of Transportation Engg.
- EXTENSIVE SURVEY:Extensive Survey camp-Students were taken to Extensive Survey camp to Sahyadri Nagar site from 5th Dec 2022 to 7th Dec 2022 staff accompanied Mr. Pradeep Kulkarni,(Lect/CE) Ms. Swaroopa Aptekar
- STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT:Final Year students of Civil Engg Participated in Quiz and drafting competition organized by ‘Gharkul Exhibition 2022’at CPED Ground Belgaum. From 25th to 30th Nov .Master Tejas Patil and Master Sangangouda Patil secured 3rd place in quiz competition.
- TECHNICAL TALK:Technical Talk was arranged on 29th Oct 2022 on materials of concrete, Basic test as per IS on site and also in laboratory, concrete mix design. Resource Person: Mr. Sachin Jayi (Relationship Engineer) JK cement Pvt. Ltd. Belagavi zone.
- TRAFFIC SURVEY: Students of V Sem Conducted Traffic Survey on KLS Gogte College road from morning 9.30 am to 12.00 noon on 28th Oct 2022 Mr. Pradeep Kulkarni accompanied the students.
- ALUMNI TALK:“” Alumni Talk on ‘Skills to acquire to study in abroad’ by Ms. Shivani Hatti on 13 July 2022
- SITE VISIT:“” Students of 4th sem visited Building construction site on 9th July 2022 with staff coordinator Mr. Pratik Lohar.
- STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT:“” Darshan Suppannvar and Vidyasagar Pammar 4th semester Civil Engg Students Secured 2nd place in Bridge Modelling Competition organized by SGBIT Belagavi.
- TECHNICAL VISIT:“” Ready Mix Plant Visit, Balaji Concretes Halga.-IV and VI sem students visited the plant along with staff Mrs. Laxmi Angadi and Mr. Pratik Lohar on 7th June 2022.Students gained knowledge of Automatic Process of RMC plant along with Technical Specifications.
- STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT:“” Abhishek Kamble Student of 6th Semester bagged 1st Place in Clay Modelling on the occasion of ‘World Earth Day’ organized by Jain College of Engineering on 5th May 2022
- EVENT:“Alumni Talk” Alumni talk on career opportunities by Anish Ankale (Business development Manager by CalQuan) on12/02/2022.
- EVENT:“Alumni Talk” Alumni talk on career opportunities and new technology in Civil Engineering by Mohd. Sameer( Site engineer at Hamadal Sayah contracting IIc, Dubai) on 11/02/2022.
- EVENT:“Retirement Function of Mr. M.S.Patil” On 31st March 2022, Mr. M.S.Patil served in Civil Engineering Department of KLSVPP from August 2010 to March 2022.
- EVENT:Karnatak Law Society's Shri Vasantrao Potdar Polytechnic, Department of Civil Engineering organized two day International Conference on 2 & 3 SEPTEMBER 2021 on “Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering -ICETCE 2021" in Association with VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY (State Technological University, Government of Karnataka). Publication Partner IJERT International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. Publicity Partner All About Structural Analysis and Design.
- Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE)
- Institution of Engineers (IEI)
- Indian Concrete Institute (ICI)
- Association of Consulting Civil Engineers India (ACCEI)
- CADD Center
- EVENT:“International Webinar Series In Civil Engineering”
KLS’S Shri Vasantrao Potdar Polytechnic, Department of Civil Engineering in Association with All About Structural Analysis and Design recently conducted the “International Webinar Series In Civil Engineering” from 2nd June to 10th June 2020. The webinar was approved by ISTE and sponsors were Bharati Cement, Bangur Cement and Vicat France. There were 5 sessions which were scheduled on alternate days. Around 1500 participants from India and 32 other countries had actively participated in the webinar.
- EVENT: Fest “Tech-Reinforce 2020” was organized by Dept. of Civil Engg. on 4th and 5th Feb,2020. Technical events like Quiz, PPT & non technical events like Bridge modelling, Mix cricket, fun games were conducted.
- EVENT:Visit to GSS College Geology Dept “Geology Museum” for the first year students of civil and Architecture under ACE Staff accompanied : Swati Joshi & Swaroopa Aptekar
- EVENT:Inauguration of Association of Civil Engineers (ACE) was organized on 06/09/2019 to encourage the students for different activities .
- EVENT: ACE organized a technical talk on 25/08/18by Prof. Rajendra Thakai was delighted to interact with young minds. He explained various advanced topics in surveying like Remote Sensing, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Geographical Information System (GIS) etc.. Principal, Dr. S.K. Ambekar and Civil Department Staff and students were present during the technical talk.
- EVENT:5th semester students visited Earthen Bunds at Khanapur Nandgad and Yellur on 18/8/18 along with staff M.S.Patil instructor.
- Abhijeet Baikerikar: “Sustainability of Concrete”
- Prof T. Veena: “Mathematical Applications in Civil Engineering”
- Prof S.S.Malaj: “Introduction to Modern Surveying”
- Prof Santosh Kulkarni: “IoT in Civil Engineering”
- Prof Laxmi Angadi: “Solid Waste Management”
- .
Department News Letter-