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Computer Science & Engg.

Department Of Computer Science
  • Overview
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering was started by Karnataka Law Society in the year 1992. The department offers a three years Diploma course in Computer Science and Engineering which is spread over 6 semesters. Evaluation of the student is done on the basis of theory examination as well as practical examination with equal importance. The students of diploma course are exposed to basics of computers, programming languages including Python and Java. They learn subjects like Database Management Systems, Software Engg, Computer Networking, Web Technology, Software testing. They are also trained in subjects like Multimedia, Linux, PC Hardware and networking. Computer Science is an interdisciplinary field, both in its origin and applications. Today, computing is applied to every walk of life. Computer Science plays a role in virtually all fields, including science, communication, medicine, music, art, business etc. Job prospects for Computer Engineers are increasing rapidly. Computing has created massive job opportunities in various fields. There are plenty of career opportunities in I.T. industry for a Computer Science diploma holder. They can find openings as Software Engineers, System developers and programmers. They can become Hardware Engineers. They can become network engineers. They are eligible for the Apprenticeship training program in HAL, BEL DRDL, ISRO, ECIL etc. Infinite opportunities in the field of Web and Multimedia designing are available for Diploma holders. Most MNCs prefer diploma students for BPO and Call Centre jobs. Diploma holder in computer engineering can start their own business enterprise with very little investment. A person with diploma in computer engineering can join as an Instructor in a degree college or in a polytechnic. After completion of diploma, the students can further pursue B.E.course.
  • HEADS OF DEPARTMENT till date.
  1.  Mrs. Anuradha Desai (July 2019 -til date)
  2. Mr. Bharateesh N. Fadanis (Jan 2019 -July 2019
  3.  Mrs. Anuradha Desai (Jan 2016 -Dec 2018)
  4.  Mrs. Upama Kulkarni (Aug 2013-Dec 2015)
  5.  Mrs. Maya Chaugule(April 2011-July 2013)
  6.  Mrs. Vaishali Kulkarni(Jan 2011-March 2011)
  7.  Mrs. Sarswati Joshi(Nov 2010-Dec 2010)
  8.  Mrs. Vaishali Kulkarni(Oct 2009-Oct 2010)
  9.  Mrs. Madhavi Kulkarni(Oct 2007-Sept 2009) I/c
  10. Mrs. Vaishali Kulkarni(July 1999-Sept 2007)
  11. Mrs. Sheetal Kulkarni(Jan 1995-June 1999)
  12.  Mrs. Vaishali Kulkarni(Dec 1993-Dec 1994)
  13.  Mrs. Saraswati Adrakatti(Dec 1992-Dec 1993)
  • Mentors for EVEN sem 2023 24
  • II SEM(DIV A) - Mrs. Tanisha Chougule( Rno 1 to 31)
  • II SEM(DIV A) - Mr. Sudhindra Kulkarni( Rno 32 to 63)
  • II SEM(DIV B) - Mrs. Sonali Deshpande( Rno 64 to 95)
  • II SEM(DIV B) - Mrs. Swati Joshi( Rno 96 to 126)
  • IV SEM(DIV A) - Ms. Sunanda H( Rno 1 to 30)
  • IV SEM(DIV A) - Mrs. Sakshi Joshi( Rno 31 to 60)
  • IV SEM(DIV B) - Ms. Gayatri Bedekar( Rno 61 to 90)
  • IV SEM(DIV B) - Mr. Mahesh Kulkarni( Rno 91 to 119)
  • VI SEM - Mrs. Anuradha Desai(Rno 1 to 33)
  • VI SEM - Mrs. Nandini C.V. (Rno 34 to 67)
  •  Vision:
The department of Computer Science and Engineering shall stand out as nurturing ground for education and learning in the field of information technology with the objective of building information technology professionals of outstanding character, positive mindset and steadfast social responsibility.
  • Mission:
Train the students of Department of Computer Science and Engineering
  1. To nurture their potential in information technology.
  2. To develop inquisitive and creative minds for understanding the necessities of information technology field.
  3. To create professionals for the benefit of human society.
  • Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)
  1. Apply basic principles and techniques of engineering in the field of technology.
  2. Inculcating hands on knowledge of software and hardware to analyze and apply in IT field.
  3. Implementation of innovative projects and products.
  4. Effective working in multidisciplinary and multicultural environment to create individuals to be outstanding employees or entrepreneurs and hence contribute towards society.
  • List of Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)
  1. To build strong fundamental and problem solving skills in the domain of design, animation, technical languages, database management, hardware, network administration and software engineering.
  2. To develop the ability to demonstrate professional qualities in the field of emerging Information technology.

Mrs. Anuradha Desai


SGL, BE (Electronics) M.Tech.(Computer Networks Engineering)

Mrs. Upama Kulkarni


B.E in Computer Science & Engg

Ms. Gayatri Bedekar


M.Tech(CSE), AMIE [CSE], Dip. in Computer Science

Mrs. Sakshi Joshi

Lecturer, Computer Center coordinator

M.Tech.(CS),AMIE(CS), Dip. in Information Science

Mrs. Nandini C.V



Ms. Sunanda G Honnikoll


B.E(CSE), M.Tech (CSE)

Mrs. Sonali Deshpande


BE (Computer Science )

Mrs. Shruti Shinde



Mrs. Asha Patgundi



Mrs. Priyanka Desurkar


M.Tech. (CS)

Ms. Kshitija Sawant

Ms. Kshitija Sawant

Contractual Staff


Mrs. Tanisha Chougule


Dip. in Computer Science

Mr. Mahesh Kulkarni


Dip. in E&C

Mr. Kaustubh Godse

Asst. Instructor

Dip. in Computer Science, MCITP Certified

C-20 Syllabus

  1. Communication Skills Workbook : Communication Skills work book
  2. Balake Kannada Workbook : balake kannada-1
  3. Sahitya Sinchana -I Workbook :sahitya sinchana-1

C-15 Syllabus

Click on Link
  • Computer Lab The department provides a good academic environment with qualified and committed faculty. The sanctioned intake of the department is 120. The department is well equipped with latest Computer Systems. The department possesses 8 computer laboratories. The laboratories are well equipped with latest technology.
  • LANGUAGE LAB: For improving the spoken English skills of the students, language lab facility is provided for all the students.
  • COE(Centre of Excellence): Students of Computer Science & Engg., Electronics & Commn., Mechanical Engg, Civil Engg. and Architecture can make use to the certified courses and training provided by CADD centre, Eyesec, Cybersena, softmusk, & infinow.
  • EVENT: DevXcel 2024-25 A National level technical fest was organized on 7th March,2025. 2 events were organized, BUGHUNT(Coding & Debugging EVENT) & SLIDESYNC(Powerpoint Presentation) competition were organized. Chief Guest for the inauguration function was Mr. Gajendra Deshpande, Founder and Managing Director of Tetha Dynamics. Chief Guest for valedictory function was Shri. Rajesh Hongal, Author of many Computer Science Books and SGL,GPT, Hubli.
  • EVENT: Industry visit to "Creintors, Waghwade" on 25th Feb,2025by Staff & Students of VI CS.
  • EVENT: Students of VI sem CS participated in Promptation Competition 2025 on  22nd Feb,2025 organized by IVIS LABS, Mysuru.
  • EVENT: Students of IV sem CS participated in Coding Competition conducted in Bhartesh Polytechnic, Belagavi on 18th Feb,2025. Malay Bera & Nishoodan Kulkarni won Second Prize and Shravani Killekar & Vedangi  Patnekar won third prize.
  • EVENT: Parents meet was organized on 10th and 11th Feb,2025 for the Students of II Sem & IV Sem CS.
  • EVENT: Inauguration of ACSE(Association of Computer Science & Engg) followed by Banner making competition was conducted on 7th Feb,2025. Students of II Sem & IV Sem CS participated. winners of the competition are.
  • First place -Kunal Nimbalkar & Kunal Nesarkar(II CS)
  • Second Place - Harsh Rajapurkar & Akhil Kulkarni(IV CS)
  • Third Place -Malay Bera & Nishoodan Kulkarni(IV CS)
  • EVENT:Ms. Kirti Naik student of 4th sem Computer Science & Engg. KLS’s Shri Vasantrao Potdar Polytechnic, secured prizes in under 17 Karate competitions,
    1. First place in KUMITE, in 15th National Open Karate Championship held on 12th January,2025, at Bengaluru, Karnataka.
    2. Second Place in Group Kumite, in 14th District Level inter college Karate Competition held on 15th December,2024, at Belagavi, Karnataka.
    KLS’s management appreciated her by giving cash prize for her achievement.
  • EVENT: Student activity under SE Subject was organized in the last week of Dec,2024 to understand the importance of Team work. Students actively participated in the same
  • EVENT: Mrs. Anuradha Desai was the judge for 2 events(Analytic Odyssey & Pixel Paradox) conducted under In House IT Fest "Magnum"  on 20/11/2024 & 21/11/2024 at KLS BCA.
  • EVENT: Department of Computer Science & Engg. Along with IIC organized a talk on “My Story -A Motivational Session” for the students of 3rd and 5th Sem CS, on 5th Nov,2024 at 11:00a.m. Mrs. Priyanka Desurkar was the resource person.
  • EVENT: Department of Computer Science organized an Online Alumni Talk by Mr. Parth Sawant, Software Engineer Xiaomi Technology India Pvt Ltd., Bangalore, on “Opportunities in Computer Science” for first semester students on 19th Oct, 2024 .
  • EVENT:As a part of Green Club Activity all the students of CS Dept. participated in pot painting in the month of  Oct 2024.
  • EVENT:An online non-technical talk was organized for on “Resume Building” by Mr. Sagar Pujar on 20th Sept,2024 for the student so of V Sem CS.
  • EVENT: As a part of Cyber Security, 11 Expert talks were organized for V sem CS in ODD Sem 2024-25.
  • EVENT: As a part of Green club, 1st sem CS students participated in plantation activity on 3rd Sept,2024.
  • EVENT: Visit to Sai Nursery on 19th and 21st August,2024 for all the first sem CS students as a part of Green Club Activity.
  • EVENT: Sonali Deshpande, Staff of CS Dept. attended UHV workshop organized by KLS GIT on 31st August,2024
  • EVENT: Students of I Sem CS Visited Ravindra Kaushik E-Library, Belagavi, organized on 24th July,2024.
  • EVENT: Meditation activity by Happy Thoughts was organized by CS Dept for the students of I & III Sem CS 20th August,2024.
  • EVENT: Parents meet was organized for all the CS students in the month of August 2024. Details
  • I CS- 14th August,2024
  • III CS- 17th August,2024
  • V CS- 16th August,2024
  • EVENT: DCET toppers of CS Dept. for the academic year 2023-24.
  • EVENT: As a part of Green club activity, Video presentation to all the first sem CS students on the topic “Green Computing”.
  • EVENT: Expert Talk on "Cyber Security " for the students of VI Sem CS on 6th April,2024 by Mr. Sagargauda Patil.
  • EVENT: Computer Science Students participated and won first place in Gaming in "AURA 2024",organized by  KLS GIT in the third week of March,2024.
  • EVENT: Alumni talk was organized on 26.2.2024 for the students of 6th sem CSon the topic Career Guidance. Resource person was Mr. Omkar Naik, Web Developer, Computronics, Belagavi.
  • EVENT: Parents meet was organized for 4th and 2nd sem CS students on 22nd and 23rd Feb, 2024.
  • EVENT: An Online Technical Talk on Basics of Java  was organized on 10-02-2024 for the students of IV Sem CS. Resource person was Mr. Surendrakumar Deshpande, Staff DevOps Engineer, Blackhawk Network India.
  • EVENT: Plantation activity was organized as a part of Green Club Activity on 7/2/2024. Principal, HODs, Staff and students of 2nd participated in the same.
  • EVENT: Students of IV Sem CS actively participated in the activity conducted under Software Engineering  theory on 19.2.2024.
  • EVENT: Mrs. Anuradha Desai was the judge for the event Analytix-Nexus (Data Analytics) during IT Fiesta named MAGNUM 2024 on 9th Jan, 2024.
  • EVENT: Two days workshop on RPA for 4th semester CS students on 5th and 6th Jan, 2024.
  • EVENT: Kriti Naik secured gold medal in 5th National Karate Championship-2023.
  • EVENT: Students of 5th sem CS went for Industry visit along with Mrs. Upama Kulkarni and Mrs. Nandini C.V. to Laila Sugars Pvt Lmt., Khanapur on 23rd Nov,2023.
  • EVENT: Students  of 3rd sem CS won 3rd place in LAN Gaming organized by KLE Societys College of Business Administration " VRTTANTA 2023" on 9th and 10th Nov,2023
Event /Date Description of Event
Industry Class(Offline) Industry class on Cyber Security at 11:00 am by Prof.Sagar Pujar , Asst.Prof., KLS, GIT, Belagavi on 5/08/23.
Industry Class (Online) Online Industry talk on Applications of Cryptography held on 12/08/23 by Prof. Sagargouda Patil, Assoc.Prof. and Dean (R&D), Dept.of CS&E, Dr.D.Y.Patil College of Engineering , Kolhapur
Industry Class(Offline) Industry class on “High Availability and Load Balancing” at 11:00 am to 12:30pm on 19/08/23 by Prof. Sagar Pujar , Asst.Prof., KLS, GIT, Belagavi
Industry Class (Online) Online Industry held talk on “System Security and “Source code scan using a commercial tool like microfocus fortify or checkmarkz” at 10:30am by   Mr. Dheeraj Gogineni , Information Security Engineer, Hyderabad on 2/09/23.
Industry Class (Online) Online Industry talk held on “Dynamic analysis using Qualys”  at 11:00 am to 12:30 pm by Mr. Dheeraj Gogineni , Information Security Engineer, Hyderabad on 9 /09/23 for V sem students.
Industry Class (Online) Online Industry talk held on Preventing DDoS in a cloud native env, Hybrid Cloud env on 6/10/23 by Prof. Sagargouda Patil, Assoc.Prof. and Dean (R&D), Dept.of CS&E, Dr.D.Y.Patil College of Engineering , Kolhapur
Industry Class (Online) Expert talk held on “How penetration testing is used in companies to improve their security posture “ by Mr. Lalaiiah Yatakula, Senior Architect, AKM Global Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore on 23/Sep/2023 at 10:30 am to 11:45 am for V sem students
Industry Class (Online) Online Industry talk held on Bug Bounty Hunting on 30/09/23 by Prof. Sagargouda Patil, Assoc.Prof. and Dean (R&D), Dept.of CS&E, Dr.D.Y.Patil College of Engineering , Kolhapur
  • EVENT: Second parents meet for the academic year 2023-24 was conducted on 30th Sept,2023.
  • Ms. Kriti Naik secured gold medal in 8th National invitational Karate Championship-2023.
  • EVENT: Final Year students completed internship from Eyesec Cyber Security Solutions Pvt. Lmt. on " Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning with Python" from 15th July to 30th July 2023(100 Hours)
  • EVENT: V Sem CS Student presentation photos of developmental assessment(August 2023)
  • EVENT :Project Presentation by passed out students to V sem students
  • EVENT: Internship project presentation on 29th May 2023 in the presence of Dr.Sagargouda Patil.
  • EVENT:Expert talk on “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence(AI) &  Machine Learning(ML)” was organized by department of Computer Science & Engg.  for all the students of 4th & 6th Semester Computer Science department on  25th May, 2023 at 10.30a.m. Dr. Rashmi Rachh, Associate Prof. Dept. of Computer Science & Engg, VTU, Belagavi was the resource person. In her talk she explained about what is  Artificial Intelligence(AI) &  Machine Learning(ML), and the applications and areas in which AI & ML is used. She also elaborated on, why now a days AI & ML has gained so much importance.
  • EVENT: Samruddh H. Xavier and Madhav Pawar won 3rd place in Games event  organized at KLE engineering college on 22nd and 23rd may,2023.
  • EVENT: Flyer making competition was organized on 7th May,2023, for the students of IV Sem CS. Students designed attractive flyers using photoshop software. Topic given was " ADMISSION OPEN FOR VPP".
  • EVENT:Students of VI Sem CS participated and won 2nd place in Treasure Hunt, in AURA 2023 organized by KLS GIT in the month of March,2023
  • EVENT:Online Industry talk  held on “Dynamic analysis using Qualys”  at 10:30 am to 11:30 am by Mr. Dheeraj Gogineni , Information Security Engineer, Hyderabad on 27/12/22 for V sem students.
  • EVENT:The department of CSE has organized an Industry visit to Deshpande Startup’s , Hubli on 23/12/22 for V sem students and Mrs. Upama Kulkarni, Lecturer & Mrs.Nandini C V , Lecturer ,Dept.of CSE had coordinated the visit.
  • EVENT: Student of V sem CS attended "Hackerrupt’22"  which was held on Mysore on 16th & 17th Dec 2022.
  • EVENT:Industry talk held on 16/12/22 at 12:00 pm in seminar hall on “handling Internal and External Incident complexity of incident management demo of real world SOC” by Mr. Chetankumar Savalgimath, Division Manager, World Informatix Cyber Security, Bangalore.
  • EVENT:Expert talk held on “How penetration testing is used in companies to improve their security posture “by Mr. Sagargouda Patil , CyberSena R&D Pvt., LTD,. On 12/12/22 at 9:45 am in Seminar hall.
  • EVENT:Online Industry held talk on “System Security and “ Source code scan using a commercial tool like microfocus fortify or checkmarkz” at 12:00noon in 103A &B lab by   Mr. Dheeraj Gogineni , Information Security Engineer, Hyderabad on 9/12/22
  • EVENT:Online Industry class on “High Availability and Load Balancing” on 17/11/22 at 3:30pm to 4:30pm by Prof. Sagar Pujar , Asst.Prof., KLS, GIT, Belagavi
  • EVENT:Online Industry class on “Number Theory” by Prof. Raman Raju , Asst.Prof., Jain University, Bangalore on 12/11/22 from 9:15 am to 11:30 am.
  • EVENT:Online Industry talk on Applications of Cryptography held on 5/11/22 by Prof. Sagargouda Patil, Assoc.Prof. and Dean (R&D), Dept.of CS&E, Dr.D.Y.Patil College of Engineering , Kolhapur
  • EVENT:Industry visit to Softmusk Info Pvt., Ltd.,Belagavi on /  3/11/22 from 12:00 pm to 1:30pm
  • EVENT: Industry Talk on Cyber Security and IOT held on 22/10/22 by Softmust Info Pvt., Ltd., Belagavi from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.
  • EVENT: Talk on "Cyber Security" was arranged  on 15th October,2022 for V sem C.Sc students as a part of Syllabus. Mr.Sagar Pujar Asst.Prof, GIT, Belagavi was the resource person. Industry talk on "Cyber Security " was arranged on 22nd October 2022 from Softmusk Solutions Pvt.Ltd.
  • EVENT: Mrs.Upama Kulkani attended FDP on “New Age Institutions” organized by KLS VDRIT, Haliyal on 18.09.2022.
  • EVENT: Computer Science students attended 2 days workshop on27th and 28th July,2022 Introduction to Robotics process automation under COE. Resource Person was Prof. Vidyadheesh Pandurangi.
  • EVENT: Department of Cs organized 6 day workshop on "Game Design & Photoshop" from 18.4.2022 to 23.4.2022. Students from different schools participated in this workshop.Resource person were
  1. Ms. Gayatri Bedekar
  2. Mrs. Tanisha Chougule
  • EVENT: The Association of Computer Science & Engineers (ACSE) organized  Alumni talk(online) on skills to lookout in 2022 by Mr. Parth Sawant, Software Engineer, XIAOMI Technology India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, for the students of First Semester.
  • EVENT :The Association of Computer Science & Engineers (ACSE) organized  Alumni talk(online), as a part of Professional Practice Lab(PP LAB) for V Sem CS students. The details are as follows:
  1. Non technical talk on 21-1-2022 at 12.00noon. The Resource person is Nilesh Dhamnekar (Principal software development engineer, at Test)
  2. Technical talk on 22-1-2022 at 10.00am, The Resource person is Shashank Tonpekar(Sr Manager, Product Management, at ServiceNow).
  • EVENT: Technical club is formed for  all the Students  of KLS VPP. Students learnt MIT Scratch, Google Doc, Google Slides, HTML,etc.
  • EVENT:CS webinar on "Skills to follow in 2021" by Mrs. Ruchita Shah on 24th July,2021
  • EVENT : Mr. Vishal Talukar particiapted in "Yuva Summit 2020" organized by Deshpande Foundation on the topic " Wifi networking in flood affected areas.
  • EVENT: Mr. Vishal Talukar won 2nd place in Paper Presentation at Tech. Fest organized by Hirasugar Institute of Technology, Nidasoshi on 29.02.2020. Many other students from CS Dept participated in the event.
  • EVENT: Mrs. Upama Kulkarni was the judge for Round4 of technical event in Feb,2020 under Evogen2k20.
  • EVENT: As a part of ACSE activity, Wall Painting is done by students of VI Sem CS in 302 class room in the month of Feb,2020.
  • EVENT: Vishal Talukar gave talk on INTERSHALA to all the students of KLS VPP on 27 September 2019.
  • EVENT:Students of III Sem CS visited KLS GIT Computer Center on 23rd Sept. 2019, as a part of Network Admin Lab. Mrs. Tanisha Chougule & Mrs. Sakshi Joshi accompanied the students.
  • EVENT: Inauguration of Association of Computer Science Engineers (ACSE)was organized on 31st august,2019 in BASG Hall for the academic year 2019-20 . All the staff and students of CS Dept attended the same. Principal Dr. S.K. Ambekar addressed the students.
  • EVENT :Centre of Excellence (COE), CADD centre was inaugurated on 4th Feb,2019 to trains students of Mechanical Engg., Architecture and Civil Engg. with respect to the recent technologies of the Industry.
  • EVENT :Students of 6th Sem CS attended STTP on “Python” in VDRIT Engg. college, Haliyal, from 16th Jan 2019 to 18th Jan 2019. Mrs. Tanisha Chougule & Mahesh Kulkarni accompanied the students.
  • EVENT :Workshop on “Self Growth & Institution Building” was organized by Dept. of Computer Science and Engg. on 8th Dec,2018 for all the school principals and senior teachers.The resource person for the workshop were: Shri. Vinod Deshpande, Director,Career Excel. By Dr. S.K. Ambekar, Principal, KLS’s VPP. By Dr. Praveen Kulkarni, Prof, KLS’s GIT. By Mrs. T. Veena, Dean Admin, SGL, KLS’s VPP.
C20 Syllabus SEE Question Papers
Engineering Mathematics
Fundamentals of Computer
Project Management Skills
Cyber Security