KLS’ s Shri.Vasantrao Potdar Polytechnic Library
Library is located on the second floor of the College Building with its total floor area of 349.5 sq.mt. It has spacious Reading Room, Stack Room and Reference Section.
The library has over 610 reference books, 8902 Volumes and 4834 Titles related to Engineering, Architecture, Management, allied and general subjects. It subscribes to various print and online national and international Periodicals in the field of technology.
The Library strives to offer excellent service by acquiring, organizing and providing access to information resources. It provides reference service & current awareness service. Besides, it also has the Project Reports of various branches of Engineering , old Question Paper Sets and CD- Roms on different subjects and thus, supports learning and teaching.
The Books are classified according to Dewey Decimal Classification system. The Library is automated and is using ‘Koha’ software for its various functions.
The Principal and the staff of the college have also written study materials and text books to cater to the needs of the students.
Library is open from 9.00am to 5.30p.m from Monday to Friday and 9.00am to 2.00pm on Saturday.
- Mr.N.G.Kulkarni ( 1992 to 2008)
- Mrs.Padmaja Desai(2008 to Sept 2021)
- Usha N.Suryavanshi(Oct 2021 till date)
Current Staff Profile:

Usha N.Suryavanshi

Library Asst.