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Architecture Assistantship

Department of Architecture at Karnatak Law Society’s, Shri Vasantrao Potdar Polytechnic is a group of active Architects and Designers involved in the design process. Approved by Council of Architecture (COA)- https://www.coa.gov.in/ Design faculty focuses on perspectives, form & space, building materials & methods, services, art & craft & the role of the Architect, & also challenges of the current technology. Our design faculty not only anticipates the immediate and modern term needs, traits and skill-sets required by the corporate sector and prepare the students accordingly but also inculcates ethical values, healthy habits and valuable soft skills to develop promising young Indian adults as exemplary and cultured managers imbibed with spirit and knowledge. Works of the Architects extend beyond the studios, labs, workshops, lectures, seminars, research & the design process itself. This course gives future architectural assistants, who can further grow to become Architects. Students leave the course equipped with what may be one of the important prerequisites for obtaining a position with an architecture or design firm.
  • Staff members heading the Department since inception: 
  • Ar. Chinmay V. Bhandari(March 2020-Till Date)
  • Ar Mrs. Megha Khandekar (Nov 2018-March 2020)
  • Ar Mrs. Shivani Halgekar (March 2017 – Nov 2018)
  • Ar Mrs. Megha Khandekar (August 2014 -March 2017)
  • Ar Mrs. Pratiksha Navelkar (2013- July 2014 )
  • Ar Ms. Mamata Halgekar (2011- March 2013)
  • Mrs. Sujata Shreedhar (2010-2011)
  • Ar Mrs. Pratiksha Navelkar (2008- Sept 2010)
  • Ar  Mrs. Geeta Sambrekar (2007-2008)
  • Ar Mrs. Megha Khandekar (1992-2007)
  • Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
The Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) of the department of Architecture Department are given below: PEO1: To prepare students for successful careers in industry to meet the needs of Indian and global requirements or to become entrepreneur. PEO2: To provide opportunity for students to work in their individual capacity as well as to function as teams on multidisciplinary projects. PEO3: To enable students for lifelong learning, inculcate professional ethics and to focus on Sustainable development. PEO4: Identify and engage in query, develop innovations and products of new materials.
 The program specific outcomes for department of Architecture Assistantship
PSO1 Develop skills to plan, design and execute sustainable architectural practice.
PSO2 To pursue opportunities for personal and professional growth, higher studies and engage in learning fundamentals of engineering to develop ability to understand contributions of other professions in field of construction.
PSO3 To inculcate ability to take-up employment, entrepreneurship and design safe and cost effective buildings.

Ar. Chinmay Bhandari



Ar. Sayali Sawant


Ar. Ankita Lad


Ar. Pallavi S


Ar. Prachi Chougule

Part Time Lecturer (Contractual)

Mrs Vaidehi Yadav


D. Arch

Ms Sneha Ghadi



C-20 Syllabus

Architecture C-20 Syllabus: C_20_Architecture_1_2_Sem Communication Skills Workbook : Communication Skills work book Balake Kannada Workbook : balake kannada-1 Sahitya Sinchana -I Workbook : sahitya sinchana-1

C-15 Syllabus

Architecture C-15 Syllabus 1 and 2 sem : AR C-15 1 and 2
Architecture C-15 Syllabus 3 and 4 sem : AR C-15 3 and 4
Architecture C-15 Syllabus 5 and 6 sem : AR C-15 5 and 6
The Department of Architecture has facilities like: 1)    Drawing Studios 2)   Computer Lab for Computerised Drawing work (CAD) 3)    Model Making Room 4)    Civil Labs GALLERY
C20 Syllabus SEE Question Papers
Engineering Mathematics
Materials of Construction
Project Management Skills
Architectural Drawing & Working Drawing
EVENT:A visit to study Apartment building was organised by Ar. Pallavi S and Ar. Ankita Lad for 4th semester Architecture students on 22nd January 2025. EVENT: Study tour to Ahmedabad was organised for students of Architecture Assistantship in January 2025
EVENT:Mrs Vaidehi Yadav was Judge for various competition of SPARK-2024 Inter-School Events ( Theme – Nakshatra –The Space Odyssey) held on 11th November 2024 , at KLS Pulic School , Peeranwadi, Belagavi
EVENT : A talk on "Effective sale and marketing strategies for enterpreneurs / startup's by enterpreneur, Mr. Siddharth Mutkekar was organised by Department of Architecture on 9th of November 2024 at KLS VPP EVENT: 'World Architecture Day' celebration on 7th October to raising awareness about the role of architecture in shaping the built environment and its impact on society. EVENT: Site Visit was organized on 3rd October 2024, to Ganeshpur, Shahunagar and Anjneya nagar Belagavi by Ar. Ankita Lad and Ar Pallavi S for 3rd semester students of Architecture to understand and study the details of construction like foundation, columns, beams, staircases, floor levels etc for Building Construction and Drawing -1 subject . EVENT: To understand the planning of spaces, anthropometry of the   design and understanding requirements of the client forArchitectural Drawing-1 subject.
·         EVENT:Site Visit was organized on 3rd September 2024, to Siddheshwar Granite Factory, Khanapur, Belagavi by Ar. Sayali Sawant and Mrs Vaidehi Yadav for 1st  semester students of Architecture to understand the extraction of Stone and the process of Granite tiles.
  • Parents meet was organised on 16th August for parents of 1st,3rd and 5th students to discuss CIE report and overall performance of the students
  • Gallery
·     EVENT:    Mrs Vaidehi Yadav, Instructor , Departmentof Architecture Assistantship attended One day workshop on 10 August 2024, on  “Basic of Computer Maintenance, Computer Network Troubleshooting, Setup & Configuration for online meetings”, organized by Computer Center , KLS Gogte Institute of Technology , Belagavi.
EVENT: Ar.Sayali Sawant attended One Day Workshop on “Overview on Universal Human Values” on 31st August 2024 , held at KLS  Gogte Institute of Technology , Belagavi.
EVENT: 8th April 2024 - Water-colour Painting Activity for 2nd Semester students.
  • A interactive session between the 4th semestes students and 2nd semester students regarding Water-colour painting activity for Visual Art and Drawing subject. The students of 4th semester shared their knowlegde, tips and tricks and fun experience of the watercolour medium and also abiot the subject with their junior batch(2nd semester students).
·      EVENT:     A panel discussion ‘The free Advise’ was organized on February 3rd 2024 for students of Architecture department to enlighten on higher education and career pathways after diploma course Ar. Akshay Shiroshi And Ar. Shalvi Shah from Adelaide, Australia were the panelists invited for the discussion.
  • Gallery
    ·        EVENT   Site visit for 4th semester Building Construction and Drawing 2 at new society building to study and understand plinth for flooring and ramming of earth for flooring.
EVENT: Case Study for 4th semester students of Batch-2 on  20TH January 2024 to M V Herwadkar English Medium School , Bhagyanagar, Belagavi for the subject  Architectural Drawing-II accompanied by Ar. Rushikesh Gadavi ,Lecturer , Architecture Department ,  Ms Vaidehi Yadav, Instructor , Architecture Department
·     EVENT:  Site visit to Restaurant “ Pink Verranda” Tilakwadi , Belagavi, on 24 Jan 2024 to study the Restaurant  Design for IV semester for the subject   Architecrtural drawing-II accompanied by Ar. Rushikesh Gadavi, Lecturer and  Mrs Vaidehi Yadav, Instructor, Architecture Department.
· EVENT: Study tour to Gokarna- Murdeshwar- Halebeedu –Mysuru for 2nd & 4th semester students of Architecture from 8th January 2024 to 12th January 2024 accompanied by Ar. Siddharth Jadhav, Lecturer and Ar. Sayali Sawant , Lecturer, Architecture Department
EVENT:      Model making workshop was conducted by MsVaidehi Yadav, Instructor , Architecture Department, on 14 September 2023,was invited as a resource person  to teach skills of preparing model of a small room ,for the students of Saraswati Girls High School , Shahpur , Belagavi ,organized by Rotaract Club of  Venugram.
EVENT:Site visits for 4th semester students of Batch-2 on  29th March 2023 to KLS Public School, Piranwadi  for the subject  Architectural Drawing-II accompanied by  Ar. Rushikesh Gadavi ,Lecturer , Architecture Department ,  Ms Vaidehi Yadav, Instructor , Architecture Department
· EVENT:  Study Tour to Rajasthan from 9th March 2023 to 18th March 2023, organized by Department of Architecture for 3rd & 5th semester students , accompanied by Ar. Chinmay Bhandari , HoD, Lecturer , Department of Architecture, Ar. Siddharth Jadhav, Lecturer , Department of Architecture   Ar. Shivani Patil, Lecturer , Department of Architecture  Ar. Sayali Sawant, Lecturer , Department of Architecture.
· EVENT: Site visits for 2nd semester to view the campus of Karnatak Law Society buildings , landscape  etc on 9th  & 15th March 2023 for Project Management  Skills subject  accompanied by Mrs Vaidehi Yadav, Instructor, Architecture Department.
·EVENT:Site visits for 4th semester students of Batch-1 on         3rd  March 2023 to visit “Santorini”  café & kitchen ,Udyambag for Architectural Drawing-II subject  accompanied by Ar. Rushikesh Gadavi ,Lecturer, Architecture Department  , Ms Vaidehi Yadav, Instructor ,  Architecture Department
  • EVENT: Architectural exhibition  10 th January 2023
EVENT:  Ar. Nikhil Bastawadakar was invited on Saturday, 22th of October 2022, to give presentation on Bye-laws and Zoning Regulation. He explained objectives and importance of Byelaws and Zoning regulations. Also, emphasized on Setbacks, Light Plane, and Built-up area. He taught and explained the methods to calculate FSI/FAR for different types of buildings mentioned in the local bye law.
   EVENT :  Ar. Megha Khandekar was invited on Saturday, 15th of October 2022, to give presentation on works of Master Architects. She explained philosophies and works of Laurie Baker and Charles Correa. Also, emphasized on energy and cost effective techniques that can be used in Architectural practice to reduce carbon footprint and minimizing energy consumption in building construction.
EVENT :Ar. Siddharth Jadhav conducted Art Club Activity, Out door Sketching on our veryown  KLS VPP Campus ,on 11th October  2022 for all First semester students of K. L.S Shri Vasantrao Potdar Polytechnic, Belagavi.
EVENT:    Mrs. Vaidehi Yadav, Instructor ,Department of Architecture,  KLS Shri Vasantrao Potdar Polytechnic, Belagavi , conducted “ Building Model Making Workshop” for 10 days from 12th September 2022 to 22nd September 2022 for all semesters students of  K.L.S Shri Vasantrao Potdar Polytechnic, Belagavi.
EVENT : Ar. Siddharth Jadhav conducted First Art club Activity on 16th August 2022 for all  First  semester students of KLS Shri Vasantrao Potdar Polytechnic, Belagavi
EVENT: Ar. Shivani Patil arranged WORKSOP ON Visual Art and Drawing  for II semester Architecture students on 7 July 2022. Gallery
EVENT:  Ar. Shivani Patil visited KLS Venugopal Auditorium hall on 6/07/2022 , arranged for 4th Semester Architecture students, for Building Services Subject. Gallery
EVENT: Ar. Siddharth Jadhav ,  Er. Sampada Somanache  Ar. Shivani Patil & Mrs Sneha Ghadi from Department of Architecture organized Study tour to Badami, Pattadakal ,Aihole and Hampi for all semester students  of Architecture from 16 /6 / 2022 to 18/ 06 /2022. Gallery
EVENT:   Er. Sampada Somanache & Mrs Vaidehi Yadav visited undergoing construction site, near Ajanta Restaurant, with 6th semester Architecture students to study Bar Bending of basement, for Structural Drawing subject on 10th June 2022./
EVENT: Ar.  Shivani Patil and Mrs Vaidehi Yadav visited “Architecture Exhibiton” in the Departement of Architecture,GIT, Udyambag, Belagavi, for the students of 4th  & 6th semester  Architecture department students on 7 June  2022/ Gallery
·   /  EVENT: “Team Heritage of Belagum , Heritage walk was organised by Ar. Chinmay Bhandari , HoD Architecture Department  & Ar. Sidharth Jadhav , Lecturer, Architecture Department , arranged for IV semester students of Architecture on 14th May 2022. Gallery
EVENT: Ar. Chinmay Bhandari , HOD of Architecture Department and Mrs. Vaidehi Yadav, Instructor, Department of Architecture , Resource persons for conducting, two days workshop                                        FINE ART " BUILDING MODEL MAKING WORKSHOP "  for K.L.S Public School , Peeranwadi, Belagavi, on April 4th  & 5th 2022./ //EVENT:// /ALUNMI TALK organised by Department of Architecture on Feb 28th 2022, a talk on "SPACE MAKING: CHANGING BOUNDARIES ", by Ar. Rushikesh Gadavi & Ar. Prithvi Jogdand (Founders, The Saar Studio). Guest speakers Inaugrated panels done by third semester students for Architectural Drawing subject. / Gallery /All EVENTS photos EVENT:01. Site visit to K.L.S' Gogte Commerce College , New building to view the bilding materials for 1st semester students for the Materials of Construction subject, organized by Ar. Sidharth Jadhav. Event: 1. Study tour was organized by Ar Nikhil B & Ms Arati N, to Hyderabad. The department students visited various Architectural marvels like Charminar,Jame Masjid, Buddha Statue at Husain sagar lake & Ramoji film city. About 30 students were accompanied by the staff for the same. 26 2 2020 EVENT: 2. The Department has been assigned interior designing work of Principal chamber, GC chamber, IQAC office for KLS Gogte college of commerce. HoD, Ar Megha K & Ar Nikhil B, worked on the same. 15 2 2020
  • Gallery
EVENT: 3. On 12th February 2020 site visit to Bhagaynagar , to view bungalows for model making subject,Belagavi by Ms. Vaidehi Yadav for II Semester students as part of syllabus. 12 2 2020 EVENT: 4. Guest Lecture on Acoustics by Ar. Arun Huligol was conducted by Ar. Megha Khandekar and Ar. Chinmay Bhandari, for students of 4th and 6th semester for the subject Building Services-II.7 2 2020 EVENT: 5. Workshop on ‘Presentation Techniques’ was conducted by Ms. Sneha Ghadi , for the students of 4th sem , to enhance their painting skills, for the subject Presentation Techniques.6 2 2020 EVENT: 6.Site visit for interior detailing was organized by Ar.Chinmay Bhandari & Ar Nikhil Bastwadkar,to Zanvars Residence,at Hindwadi,Belagavi ,for 6th sem students,Arch VPP. 14 1 2020 EVENT: 7. Site visit was organized by Ar.Chinmay Bhandari & Ms Arati Nersekar,to ‘Inclovers Appt’ ,Nanawadi ,for 4th sem students,Arch VPP. 8 1 2020
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  • EVENT: 8. A visit was made to ancient temple, ‘Kamal Basti’, a Chalukyan style temple in Belgaum Fort premises. It was planned as part of study of temple architecture for first semester students. 39 students attended the same. Co-ordinator: Ar Megha Khandekar, HoD. 16 10 2019
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EVENT: 9. On 4TH October 2019 site visit to Shenoli, Tal: Chandagad, Dist. Kolhapur, J N BHANDHARI School of art, was organized by Mrs Vaidehi Yadav for I Semester Architecture students for Visual Art Drawing subject. 4 10 2019 EVENT: 10. On 30th October 2019 site visit to KLS campus construction & visit to a bungalow at Aadarshnagar Belagavi, to see Pergola construction details , by Ar. Megha K & Ms. Sneha G, for Vth Semester students as part of syllabus.30 9 2019
  •  Gallery
EVENT: 11. Guest Lecture on Importance of Interior Designing was organized under Architects’Association on 9th Sept 2019, Resource person was Ms Monika Sawant. 9 9 20 EVENT: 12. Architects’Association was Inaugrated on 9th Sept,2019 by Ms Monika Sawant. EVENT: 13. Site visit to Shree Plywoods, Belagavi by Ms Sampada Somanache for V sem students 5 9 2019
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EVENT: 14. FDP 2019, was organized by KLSVPP,between 28th & 29th July 2019, resourse person were Ar.Megha Khandekar,Ms.Vaidehi Yadav, Ms. Sneha Ghadi. 28 6 2019 & 29 6 2019 EVENT: 15. Ms. Sampada Somanache & Ms Arati Nersekar of Arch Dept,upgraded their knowledge by attending ‘Revit’ course,conducted by CoE, VPP, between 01st to 30th June, 2019
  •  Gallery
EVENT: 16. One Week Workshop on embroidery was conducted by Ar.Megha Khandekar,HoD Arch Dept, between 20th to 27th April 2019, for the staff members of VPP. EVENT: 17. On 2nd March 2019 site visit to Fire Station, Belagavi by Ar. Shivani H & Ms. Vaidehi Yadav for IV Semester students as part of syllabus. EVENT: 18. On 11th January 2019 site visit to KLS Public School, Piranwadi, Belagavi by Ar. Shivani H & Ar. Chinmay B for IV Semester students as part of syllabus. EVENT: 19. On 31st January 2019 conducted a study tour to Bijapur by Ar. Megha K. and Ar. Chinmay B. for all Semester students . EVENT: 20. On 11th January 2019 site visit to new VPP Building by Ar. Megha K. for II Semester students as part of MOC II syllabus. EVENT: 21. On 1st January 2019 site visit to a bungalow ‘Indira’, was organized by Ar. Ankita N. and Ms. Vaidehi Y. for IV Semester students as part of syllabus. Event :  22.On 19th December 2018 site visit to ‘Navkar veneer world’ was organized by Ar. Shivani H. and Ms. Vaidehi Y. for VI Semester students as part of syllabus. Event : 23.On 19th December 2018 “NATA – Entrance Exams Coaching” was inaugurated by Principal Dr. S.K Ambekar. Event :24 On 10th October 2018 talk on TQM by Principal Sir. Event : 24a On 2018 Oct 11th Inaugral function of Architects' Association Event :25 On 26th September 2018 site visit to ‘Panchamrut’ was organized by Ms. Vaidehi Yadav for III Semester B2 students as part of syllabus Event :26 On 20th September 2018 site visit to ‘Panchamrut’ was organized by Ms. Vaidehi Yadav for III Semester B1 students as part of syllabus. Event :27 On 18th September 2018 site visit to ‘Ram Mandir’ and flag post of VPP was organized by Ms. Vaidehi Yadav for I Semester students as part of syllabus. Event :28 On 24th August 2018 site visit to ‘Yash Industries’ was organized by Ms. Sneha Ghadi & Ms Vinita Kulkarni for V Semester students as part of CSL syllabus. Event :29. On 6th August 2018 site visit to ‘KLS ‘s VPP new building’ was organized by Ar. Pratiksha Naik for V Semester B1 students as part of BC III syllabus. Event : 30. On 3rd August 2018 site visit to ‘KLS ‘s VPP new building’ was organized by Ar. Pratiksha Naik for V Semester B2 students as part of BC III syllabus. Event :31 On 3rd August 2018 site visit to ‘Murlidhar Temple’ was organized by Ar. Megha Khandekar, Ar. Chinmay Bhandari and Ms. Arati N for III Semester students as part of AD I syllabus. Event :32 On 31st July 2018 a guest lecture was organized on the topic “use of colours in interiors” under the banner of Architects’ Association and resource person for the same was Ar. Mamata Madhale. Event :33 Inaugural function of “Architect’s Association” was organized on 31st July,18. Event :34 On 28th July 2018 site visit to ‘Deccan medical center’ was organized by Ar. Pratiksha Naik and Ar. Chinmay Bhnadari for V Semester B2 students as part of syllabus. Event :35 On 23rd July 2018 site visit to “Ajntha” was organized by Ar. Shivani H for V for B1 Semester students as part of syllabus. Event :36 On 18th July 2018 site visit to ‘KLS‘s VPP new building’ was organized by Ms. Vaidehi Yadav for III Semester B1 students as part of syllabus. Event :37 On 9th July 2018 site visit to ‘KLS ‘s VPP new building’ was organized by Ar. Ankita Naik for III Semester students as part of syllabus. Event :38 1st Parents meet of newly admitted students’ parents was held on 1st of July 2018. Event :39  Department of Architecture organized FDP 2018 on  June 28th ,29th 2018 , Ar Ankita Naik, Ar. Pratiksha Naik and Ar. Chinmay Bhandari were the resource persons for the in-house FDP conducted on 28, 29 June, 2018 Event :40 On 7th March and 8th March 2018 site visit to ‘GCC college road’ was organized by Mrs. Savita Patil for II Semester students as part of syllabus. Event :41 On 6th  March  2017 ‘ BASIC ENGINEERING WORKSHOP ‘ program was organized by Ar. Megha Khandekar and Mrs. Sneha Ghadi for GOVT. ITI Students. Event :42 On 5th March 2018 site visit to ‘Fire Station’ was organized by Ar. Ankita Naik and Ar. Chinmay Bhandari for IV Semester students as part of syllabus. Event :43 On 3rd March 2018 site visit to ‘KLS Auditorium’ was organized by Ar. Chinmay Bhandari  for VI Semester students as part of syllabus. Event :44 On 2nd, 3rd, and 4th FEB 2018 renovation of department of architecture staff room and class room was done by students under the guidance of staff. Event :45 On 13th JAN 2018 site visit to ‘Bhagyanagar’ was organized by Mrs. Savita Patil for II Semester students as part of syllabus. Event :46 On 12th JAN 2018 site visit to ‘Kavale Math’ was organized by Ar. Megha Khandekar for IV Semester students as part of syllabus. Event :47 On 05th JAN 2018 site visit to ‘Samyak plywood’ was organized by Ar. Ankita Naik and Arati Nersekar for VI Semester students as part of syllabus. EVENT: 48a On 23rd Dec 2017 Mrs. Sampada Somanache presented a talk on ‘TQM in education’ as part of In-house FDP. EVENT : 48b On 20th NOV 2017 ‘ BASIC COMPUTER SKILLS ‘ program was organized by Mrs. Sneha Ghadi and Arati Nersekar for Akal Abhiyaan Students and the valedictory function of the same was organized on 25th Nov 2017. EVENT: 49 On 25th OCT 2017 site visit to Lokapur,Badami&Pattadakal was organized by Ar. Megha Khandekar and Chinmay bhandari for I Semester students as part of syllabus. EVENT: 50 On 06th OCT 2017 site visit to GSS College was organized by Er.Sampada S and Chinmay bhandari for V Semester students as part of syllabus. EVENT: 51 On 20th Sept 2017 site visit to Khanapur central Pottery Institute was organized by Ar.MeghaKhandekar, Chinmaybhandari and AratiNersekar for I Semester students as part of subject Materials of construction. EVENT: 52 On 21st Aug 2017 visit to Bhagyanagar 7th cross, was organized by Ar.Shivani H., Chandan N. , Arati N. for III Semester students as part of subject Architectural Dwg-I. EVENT: 53 On 21st Aug 2017  Inaugural function of Architect’s Association. EVENT: 54 . ‘Ganesh drawing and painting compitition ‘was organized by Ar.MeghaKhandekar, under AA on 12th Aug 2017 for all vpp students. EVENT: 55. On 02nd Aug 2017 visit to gymkhana hall was organized by Ar.MeghaKhandekar for I Semester students as part of subject Materials of construction EVENT: 56. On 14h July 2017 visit to Sankam Residency was organized by Ar. PratikshaNaik& Ms. SnehaGhadi for V Semester students as part of subject Architectural Drawing III. EVENT: 57. On 12th July 2017 Beginning of New Semester by Cake-cutting at the hands of staff.
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EVENT: 58 . ArMeghaKhandekar was invited as a Chief Guest at SewaBharati’sJagrutiMahila Kendra on the occasion of Guru Pornima Celebrations on 11 July 2017. EVENT: 59 On 7th July 2017 visit to VTU was organized by Ar. MeghaKhandekar& Ar. Bhavana Kulkarni for I Semester students as part of Bridge Course. EVENT: 60. 1st Parents meet of newly admitted students’ parents was held on 1st of July 2017. EVENT: 61a ’10 Day 3D Modeling and Rendering training’ was organized by Ar. AnkitaNaik and SnehaGhadi under Architect’s Association from 5th June 2017 to 16th June 2017. EVENT: 61b. The valedictory function of the same was organisedon 17th June 2017. EVENT: 61c. Ar. Megha Khandekar was a resource person for in-house FDP conducted on 28,29 June, 2017. She covered the topic Effective Teaching through Assignments and Activities. EVENT: 62a. ‘Model Making Workshop ‘was organized by Mrs.Savita Patil, on 22nd May 2017 for school students.
  • Gallery EVENT: 62b. Thevaledictory function of the same was organizedon 27th May 2017.
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Event: Study tour to Humpi was organized for all semester students by Ar.Ankita Naik and Mrs Savita Patil