- About
- Vision, Mission,PEO,PSO
- Faculty
- Syllabus
- Time table/Portion for IA/Academic Calendar
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- Question Paper
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- News Letter
Department of Electronics & Communication Engg.
Electronics & Communication engineering is an engineering discipline which adopts the scientific knowledge of the behavior & effects of electrons to develop components, devices, systems, or equipment (as in electron tubes, Transistors, Integrated circuits & Printed circuit boards) that uses electricity as a part of driving force. The core subject like physics & mathematics are fundamental requirement to understand the functionality both in qualitatively and quantitatively
Electronics & Communication engineering is gaining importance in all walks of life. The advancement and technological innovations in electronics make our lifestyle easier and comfortable.
An electronics engineer must either invent or innovate, new solutions to the practical problems associated with our lives. An electronics engineer will work in a team in association with other specialists to design, fabricate, produce and supervise production & manufacturing processes and oversee installation and maintenance of the same( complex products and systems i.e., electronic equipment and components for a number of industries as diverse as commercial communications, medicine, agriculture, entertainment, computer industry, electronic data processing system for communication & defense).
The department of Electronics & Communication Engineering was established in the year 1993.
The department offers a Diploma course (6 semesters) in E&C engineering affiliated to BTE Bangalore & approved by AICTE
.The department currently has an intake of 60 students.
The following list furnishes the details of the HODs from 1993 till date.
The department has highly qualified & experienced teaching faculty and has well-equipped laboratories.
Every staff prepares the course file for the allotted subject before the start of every semester. The course includes syllabus, class plan, lesson plan, previous years board question papers, lab manuals, assignments & materials for teaching.
- Department has excellent infrastructure.
- Dept library has well stocked books, technical literature, Internet facility & educational software CD’s.
- Laboratories are adequately equipped with analog and digital communication kits, Verilog kits, Fiber optic kits, ARM Controller Kits, Microcontroller Interfacing Kits, Digital trainer kits, software like Xilinx 13.2, Kiel4Vision, MAT lab, Proteus 8.
- Continuous power supply from generator located in campus.
- Good learning academic atmosphere.
- Students from different states are also studying in the department.
- Department has Internet facility with unlimited downloading. Department has computer lab with good number of computers with latest configuration and it also has well equipped Analog lab, Digital Lab & Hardware and Networking Lab.

- Program Specific Outcomes:
- Design and Simulate basic electronics circuits & make use of the measuring instruments in designing
- Apply principles of mathematics and technical knowledge of Electronics and communication to
- Program Educational Objectives:
- To enhance the technical competency by providing sound theoretical and practical knowledge of electronics and communication engineering and develop managerial and entrepreneurial skills to enable students to analyze technical problems and design socially accepted and economically feasible solutions in the respective field using the acquired knowledge and skills and contribute to the welfare of society.
- To develop interpersonal and leadership skills to attain the qualities of professional leadership to deliver effectively in multidisciplinary domain through team work and ability to adapt to the changing professional environment.
- To involve themselves in lifelong learning and professional development by pursuing higher education and participating in research and development activities.

Er. Mrs Amruta Devangavi,
HOD,SSLB.E(Electronics), Lifetime member of ISTE

Er. Ms.K.S.Bharati
SGLB.E(E & C), M.Tech(VLSI Design & Embedded System). Selection Grade Lecturer, Lifetime member of ISTE

Er.Pooja Prasad Rao( Mrs.Sucheta Kulkarni)
Lecturer(Contractual)B.E(Electronics), M.Tech (VLSI Design & Embedded System), MISTE.

Mr. Abhiman Deshpande
LecturerM.Tech. (Embedded Systems)

Priyanka Nishandar
LecturerB.E in E&C, Lifetime member of ISTE.

Mr Pramod G Terdalkar
InstructorDiploma In E & TC Lifetime member of ISTE

Mrs Snehal Kadam
InstructorDiploma In E & C.BSC.IT, Lifetime member of ISTE

Mr. Vilas G. Hiroji
InstructorInstructor,Lifetime member of ISTE
C-20 Syllabus
- C-20 Syllabus 1&2 sem : C_20_ECE_1_2_Sem
- C-20 Syllabus 3&4 : C_20_EC_3_4_Sem
- C-20 Syllabus 5&6 : C20_5_6_sem_ECE
- Communication Skills Workbook : Communication Skills work book
- Balake Kannada Workbook : balake kannada-1
- Sahitya Sinchana -I Workbook :sahitya sinchana-1
C-15 Syllabus
- EC C-15 Syllabus for 1 and 2 sem : EE C-15 1 and 2
- EC C-15 Syllabus for 3 and 4 sem : EC C-15 3 and 4
- EC C-15 Syllabus for 5 and 6 sem : EC C-15 5 and 6
SECTION TIME TIME TABLE ODD SEMESTER 2024-25:time table odd sem 24-25
I & III Semester CIE Time Table 2024-25:CIE time table 1 & 3 sem
V Semester CIE Time Table 2024-25:portion and timetable v sem
Odd Sem CIE Portion I Sem:I sem portion for cie Odd Sem CIE Portion III Sem:portion III sem CIEEngineering Mathematics | |
Digital Electronics | |
Project Management Skills | |
Industrial Internet of Things |
- 4 semester students along with staff members Shri Abhiman Deshpande and Mrs.Priyanka Nishandar of Electronics and communication department have visited ALL INDIA RADIO DHARWAD on 5/3/2025 as a part of Industrial visit. Students have visited AIR to understand the Radio transmission technology as the part of Communication system subject
- Gallery
- Pramod G. Terdalkar was the Resource person for "One Day workshop on Soldering and Desoldering Practice" for 2nd semester E&C Students in GPT, Belagavi, under ISTE Chapter
- EVENT :Mr. Darshan Sadalgekar,IoT Applications Development Engineer,Air Products, Basingstoke, UK.,
Alumnus, KLS VPP, Belagavi, was the resource person for the industry talk on topic “Industrial Internet of Things” for the students of E&C on 16th September 2024 between 11.00 a.m. – 12.00 noon.
- Parents’ meet is organized for I,III & V semester students. All the students are instructed to inform the parents to attend the parents meet compulsorily. The schedule is as follows.
Semester Date Time Room no. I Sem E&C 14.08.2024 Sharp at 2.30pm 201 III Sem E&C 17.08.2024 Sharp at 11.00am 201 V Sem E&C 17.08.2024 From 10.00am to 12.00am 304

- EVENT :Industrial talk for V Sem students on topic “Cyber Security” by Mr.Chetan Savalgimath, Alumni Dept. of E&C was organized on 17th August 2024.
- EVENT :Snehal Jadhav (Instructor) & Vilas Hiroji (Instructor) attended one day workshop at Gogte Institute of technology, Udyambag, Belagavi on 10th August 2024 on the topic “Basics of Computer maintenance, Computer Network and Troubling and Setup and Configuration for Online meeting.
- EVENT :Saish Belgaonkar, Alumnus, KLS VPP, Belagavi was the resource person for the industry talk as part of 5th semester IIoT syllabus, organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engg. K.L.S. Shri Vasantrao Potdar Polytechnic, Belagavi on 3rd August, 2024.
- EVENT :Best Out of Waste was organised under ECO Club on 23rd July 2024.
- Gallery
- EVENT : Poster Design was organised under ECO Club on 15th July 2024.
- Gallery
- DCET toppers of E&C Dept. for the academic year 2023-24.

- EVENT :15 Day Students Induction Programme from 20.06.2024 to 3.07.2024. Photos:SIP 2024-25
- EVENT :Parents meet was conducted for Dept. E & C on 5.03.2024 .
- EVENT :Department of Electronics & Communication Engg.has organize “Technical Talk” on Friday, 16th Feb 2024 for all the students of E&C, KLS VPP.The schedule is as follows.
Sl.no Topic Date Time Resource person 01. “Artificial Intelligence 16.02.2024 11.00am -12.00pm Mr. Santosh Kulkarni Asst. Prof. Dept. of E&C, KLS GIT,Belagavi 02. ” “Sensors” 16.02.2024 10.00am -11.00am - Mr. Kishan Bhat
- Mr. Raju Patil
- Mr. Raghunath Shetty
- EVENT :24th and 25th of November 2023 project exhibition was organized for SSLC school students.
- EVENT :CS & EC dept. organized an expert talk on “Development in the field of computer science” on 18th November 2023 for the 5thsem students, Resource person was Vidur Vatsalya,Microsoft,Seattle,USA.
- EVENT :Student of 5thsemShivganesh Bhalekar, E&C Participated in ANUTTARA 2023 held at Sant Gajanan Maharaj Polytechnic, Mahagaon in the ROBO Racing competition on 14th Oct 2023.
- EVENT :V sem students along with staff visited KMF on 16th Sep 2023.

- EVENT: Department of Electronics & Communication Engg. organized “Technical Talk” for all the students of E&C, KLS VPP on Saturday, 31st May 2023 on topic “Importance & Benefits of IEEE and ISTE” Resource person Prof. Abhishek Deshmukh,, Dept. of E&C, KLS GIT, Belagavi

- EVENT : Department of Electronics & Communication Engg. organized “Technical Talk” for all the students of E&C, KLS VPP on Saturday, 31st May 2023 on topic “Raspberry Pi” Resource person Prof. Praveen Kalkundri, Dept. of E&C, KLS GIT, Belagavi

- Department of Electronics & Communication Engg. organized “Technical Talk” for all the students of E&C, KLS VPP on Saturday, 27th May 2023 on topic “Software & System’s Engineering in Automotive Industries” Resource person Mr. Ghansham Kalpavriksha, Senior System engineer, Sensata Technologies.

- EVENT :5th sem students along with Mrs. Neelam Somannavar Lecturer (E&C).visited Softmusk Solutions, Belagavi in 3rd week of October 2022 under industrial visit.
- EVENT : 5th sem students along with Mrs. Neelam Somannavar Lecturer (E&C) visited Nandini Milk (KMF) Belagavi in 4th week of October 2022 under industrial visit.

- EVENT : Mr. Pramod Terdalkar Mrs. Snehal Kadam and Mr. Vilas Hiroji, Instructor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg. constructed kits of “Measurement of voltage, Current, Power and Energy ” that are used for conducting the experiments of Fundamental of Electrical and Electronics Engg lab of 1st and 2nd semester of all branches.

- EVENT :Industrial talk for V Sem students on topic “Cyber Security” by Prof. Sagargouda Patil,Dept. of CSc, Dr.D.Y.Patil college of Engg. Kolhapur was organized.
- EVENT :Virtual Industrial talk for V Sem students on topic “Cryptography and Cloud services” by Prof. Sagargouda Patil,Dept. of CSc, Dr.D.Y.Patil college of Engg. Kolhapur was organized.
- EVENT : Virtual Industrial talk for V Sem students on topic “Network & Protocols” by Prof. Sagar Ramesh Pujar,Dept. of CSc, GIT , Belagavi was organized.
- EVENT :Industrial talk for V Sem students on topic “Cyber Security” by Mr.Chetan Savalgimath, Alumni Dept. of E&C was organized.

- EVENT :IIOT Models are designed by V Sem students under guidance of Staff Mrs. Neelam Sommanavar, Mr. Abhiman Deshpande.
- EVENT :Mrs. Neelam Sommanavar, Lecturer has completed NPTEL Exams on the topic “Digital Electronics”.
- EVENT :Mr. Abhiman Deshpande, Lectrurer and Mr. Vilas Hiroji, Instructor were felicitated by GC KLSVPP for conducting electronics project workshop under ATAL TINKERING LAB in Smt. Ushatai Gogte Girls’ High School, Patil Galli, Belgaum-590001.
- EVENT:The students of IV & VI Sem E&C along with 2 staff members Mr. Santosh Kulkarni, Lecturer and Ms. Neelam Sommanavar, Lecturer visited ALL INDIA RADIO Dharwad as industrial visit is part of syllabus prescribed by BTE Bengaluru on 06/03/2019.
- EVENT:Re-inauguration of Association of Electronic and Communication Engineers(AECE) was organized on 28.07.2018. We are pleased to inform you regarding AECE.Details of Association are :

- Department News Letter 2023-24-news letter 2023-24
- Department News Letter 2022-23-news letter 2022-23
- Department News Letter 2021-22-news letter2021-22 final
- Department News Letter 2020-21-news letter 2020-21