Mechanical engineering is a discipline of engineering that applies the principles of physics and materials science for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. It is the branch of engineering that involves the production and usage of heat and mechanical power for the design, production, and operation of machines and tools.
The mechanical engineering department is started in july2010, with strength of 45 intake and one lecturer. Currently third year is running and now the department is having 5 lecturers, 2 instructors & 2 mechanics. We have well equipped labs & well qualified, experienced, dedicated staff & also a well furnished staffroom. The first batch is on the verge of completing their diploma course this year 2012-2013.Two of our senior lecturers are pursuing their M.Tech course.
Career Scope:
Mechanical Engineering has a tremendous scope in automobile engineering, cement industry, steel, power sector, Hydraulics, Manufacturing plants, Drilling and mining Industry, Petroleum, Aeronautical, Biotechnology and many more. With its wide scope of application, mechanical engineers remain always in demand, no matter which part of the world. You can also find job very easily in the following public sector industries such as Indian Railways, Indian Air force (Technical), Indian Army, Thermal power corporations, Nuclear power plants etc…
Staff members heading the Department since inception:
Mr. Prathamesh Gurjar(April 2023-till date)
Mr.S.H Bhagavati(Jan 2021- March, 2023)
Mr. Prathamesh Gurjar(Nov 2018-Dec 2020)
Mr.S.H Bhagavati(Nov 2016-Nov 2018)
Mr. D. Mujumdar(Aug 2014-Nov 2016)
Mr. Kashinath Angadi(Aug 2013-Aug 2014)
Mr.S.H Bhagavati(Aug 2010-Aug 2013)
Mentors for EVEN sem 2023 24
II Sem - Mr. Somnath Jathar
IV Sem - Mr. S.H. Bhagavati
VI Sem- K.M. Angadi
PEOsProgramme Education Objectives
The Course of Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Programme will be able to
PEO-1 To prepare students for successful carriers in industry to meet changing demands of there profession and instill a desire to learn continuously
PEO-2 To provide student a strong foundation in mathematics, science and sound basic theoretical knowledge along with required practical skills in the core areas of mechanical engineering to demonstrate technical excellence.
PEO-3 To inculcalate team work and communication skills among students through seminars, projects and industry interactions.
PEO-4 To create awareness on environmental issues, committement towards professional ethics, social responsibilities and need for lifelong learning.
Apply concepts in core areas of Mechanical engineering – Hydraulics and fluid power, Management Systems, Mechanics of machines and machine tool technology to solve technical issues.
Develop and optimize solutions in Computer aided manufacturing platforms.
An Industrial visit to “PolyFlow Precession Pvt. Ltd”., Belagavi was organized on 4th and 5th February 2025.The students were accompanied by Mr. S. H. Bhagavati, Mr. P. P. Gurjar & Mr. A. S. Badiger.
An industrial visit to "ARS Foundries", Belagavi was organized for the 3rd Semester Mechanical Engineering students. The visit helped students understand the process of casting and manufacturing various parts . The visit was led by Mr. K. M. Angadi and Mr. P. D. Joshi on 05.10.2024Industrial Visit
Department of Mechanical Engineering organized an Alumni Talk on “Career opportunities in Aero Space Sector” on 25.10.2024. Mr. Rajesh Shelke, Senior Engineer (Operation Programme Management) at LATECOERE India Pvt. Ltd, Alumni of the department was the resource person. He interacted with the students for all semesters, discussing about the opportunities in the operations management section and the skills required for the sameGallery
Alumni Talk organized to Final Year students on Topic : Opportunities for Mechanical Engineering students on 03.07.2024 Resource Person: Mr. Vaibhav Arjunwadkar Owener and Founder Steel Structure Engineering, Udyambag, BelagaviGallery
The Department organized Technical Talk on 13/08/2024 on the topic of “Additive Manufacturing” “ 3-D Printing” “CNC Technology” for diploma in Mechanical Engineering” by Mr. Mahesh Kori, Mr. Vivek Tiwari and Mr. Sachin Kulkarni. They explained about the related topics. Which is helpful as per the 5th semester syllabusGallery
Event: Final year students visited KLS GIT for advance manufactuing technology on 19/7/2024
EVENT: The department of Mechanical Engineering organized an orientation program for 2nd and 4th semester students on 26.03.2024 on CAD software’s. The resource person was Shivanand Pujari of CADD center, Belagavi. He emphasized the need of these software’s in the present industrial scenario and its importance for students to get internships and placements
EVENT:The department of mechanical engineering had organized as alumni talk on 24/2/2024 for the final year students on the topic “Challenges and opportunities for students of diploma in mechanical engineering in higher education”. The alumni Mr. Sachin Anantbhat was the resource person for the occasion and he gave a brief presentation on the same followed by interaction with the students.
EVENT: The Department organized Alumni Talk on 6/07/2023 on the topic of “Opportunities after completing diploma in Mechanical Engineering”by Mr. Gururaj Korti and Mr. Shrinidhi Desai. They explained the various areas in which the students could make their carriers in. Also they presented in detail the different paths they have taken in their carriers to all mechanical the students interacted with the resource persons and were able to clear the doubts regarding various fields.
EVENT: An expert talk on 3D printing technologies was organized for the 5th sem students on 10-12-2022. Prof. Vivek Tiwary was the expert from KLS GIT, Belagvi. Sir shared the many applications of 3D printing in medical, construction and part manufacturing technologies. The interaction was an eye opener to the students.
EVENT:A visit was organized for the 5th semester students to Dexterous Tech, belagavi on 29-11-2022. The students understood the working of this non-conventional machining process i.e Wire cut EDM and EDM its advantages and the working parmeters.
EVENT:A visit was organized for the 5th semester students to Mangal laser Tech, belagavi on 22-11-2022. The students understood the working of this non-conventional machining process i.e Lasser beam Machining and the working parmeters.
EVENT:An in-house chemical machining workshop was organized for the 5th semester students on 2 on 29-10-2022. The students of Electronics and communication department demonstrated the steps involved during chemical machining process.
EVENT: A 1 day 3D printing workshop was organized for the 5th semester students at KLS GIT, Belagavi on 10-10-2022. The students were introduced to the 3D printing technology and its various applications. The Students were accompanied by Prof. P.P.Gurjar and Prof. Somnath Jathar.
EVENT: A visit was organized for the final year project exhibition at KLS Googte institute of technology on 6-7-2022. The students were addressed by the HOD of Mechanical Engineering and also interact with the students of KLS GIT about their projects . The students were accompanied by Prof. P.P.Gurjar and Prof. Somnath Jathar
EVENT:Prof.: K. M. Angadi has invited as a judge for National Level Project Exhibition held in AITM, Belagavi in the month of August-2021-22
EVENT-Final year students of 2021-22 batch are participated in International Project Exhibition held at HIT, Nidasosi and won 2nd prize for Sand crushing machine. The participated students Names are : Mr. Rutik Budruk, Mr. Sanket Patil and Akshay Chougule, Guided by the staff : Prof. S. H. Bhagavati
EVENT-An industrial visit was organized for 2nd sem students on 17/08/2022 at Jinabakul forge pvt.ltd, Belagavi. The students were given complete understanding of producing Bearings and machines from raw materials to finished product. Staff who accompanied the students were Prof.S.H.Bhagavati and Mr.A.S.Badiger
EVENT-SIP (Students Induction Programme) is organized for the newly admitted students of the academic year 2022-23, from 27.6.2022 to 9.7.2022. Mr. Shrivatsa Huddar, Mr. Dharnendra Daddi and Mr. Ashish Khot gave a talk on the following topics "Importance of Extra curricular and Cocurricular activities", for first year students of all departments on February 5th 2022.
EVENT-Department organized Alumni Talk on 05/02/2022 on the topic of 'Career Guidance' by Mr. Parth Kolambaskar . He gave guidance to all Mechanical students on the career opportunities in Merchant Navy, how to apply Merchant Navy, the exam and prospectus. The students interacted with the resource person and were able to clear the doubts regarding the career.
EVENT:Department organized online Alumni Webinar on 27/06/2021 on the topic of 'Career Guidance' by Mr. Preetam Chougale . He gave knowledge to the final year students about after Diploma What next ? He addressed regarding higher education ,self employment and Govt. and Private opportunities after completion of Diploma Mechanical Eng. course.
EVENT:An industrial visit was organized for 6th sem students on 28/01/2020 at satish sugars Ltd Gokak, Belagavi. The students were given complete understanding of producing electricity by Co-generation, sugar production by milling, steam generation by turbine and distillery. They also were given an overview of how to extract the sugar cane juice from milling. Staff who accompanied the students were Mr. S H Bhagavati , Mr. S K Jathar and Mr. S R Kulkarni.
EVENT-An industrial visit was organized for 4th sem students on 25/01/2020 at PTP CNC Pvt Ltd Udyambag, Belagavi. The students were given complete understanding of producing CNC parts using CNC, VMC and SPM machines from raw materials to finished product. They also were given an overview of laser engraving machine and balancing machines too. Staff who accompanied the students were P.P.Gurjar and K.M. Angadi.
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EVENT-A curricular development programme was organized on 19/10/2018 for final and pre final year students of Mechanical Engg Association of Mechanical Engineers. Resource person was Mr. Chandan Inamdar who shared his knowledge of Auto Desk fusion 360 software.Click to view Gallery
EVENT-Industrial visit was organized for IV and VI sem students to M/S TOOL HOLDERS PVT. LTD. MACHHE on 29th September 2018.Accompanying staff were Mr. Prathamesh Gurjar, Mr. Vijay Shirvalkar and Mr. Suresh Majati.Click to view Gallery
EVENT-Industrial visit was organized for IV and VI sem students to Oerlikon Fairfield Atlas Pvt. Limited Belagavi on 18th September 2018.Accompanying staff were Mr. K M Angadi Mr. Prathamesh Gurjar and Mr. Bharma Shahpurkar.Click to view Gallery
EVENT-Re - inauguration of AME (Association of Mechanical Engineers) was done on Friday, 2nd of August 2018 in the premises of VPP, Tilakwadi, Belagavi. Invocation song was presented by Mr. Shrivatsa Huddar, student of Ist Sem of Mechanical Engg. Dept. Prof. S. H. Bhagavati, President of AME made the welcome speech. Forthcoming events were announced by Prof. S.R.Kulkarni, Events organized by AME in the last academic year (2017-2018) Incharge principal Prof.T.Veena of KLS’s VPP presided as the patron of the AME. She assured support from the institute to the association in all its forthcoming activities. she appealed to the students to make best use of the activities organized by the association in order to develop leadership qualities and skills. Lastly lastly Mayur desai student secretary proposed vote of thanks.Click to view Gallery
EVENT-KLS VPP inter department Project Demo was organized on 28th April 2018, Saturday. The Chief Guest of the function was Shri Gajanan Nagarkatte, C.E.O of the “Ergo Comforts” company. The patron of the function was the principal of the VPP College, Dr. S.K. Ambekar sir. Various projects based on solar, software, G.P.S, etc. themes, prepared by the final year students were put on display. The winning projects, from each of the departments, were awarded by the college with cash prizes. Also, Mr. Shrinivas Huddar, the C.E.O and M.D of the Hydromatic company, who was present during the function, announced cash prizes to the winning projects.Click to view Gallery
EVENT-Industrial Visit was organized for the fourth semester students of Mechanical Engg. Dept. to BEMCO Hydraulics Pvt. Ltd., for academic purpose. The accompanying staff was K. M. Angadi sir, Arvind Badiger sir and Vijay. C. Shirvalkar sir.Click to view Gallery
EVENT-The department of Mech. Engg organized a 2 Day State Level Workshop under the Association of Mechanical Engineers on 19th and 20th of January 2018. The topic of the workshop was “Concepts of F.E.A and its Applications using ANSYS”. Staff / Lecturers from various Polytechnic colleges from different parts of Karnataka like Hubli, Raibag, Bellary, Chikkodi, etc. participated in the workshop enthusiastically. Resource persons from reputed colleges of Belagavi like Karnatak Law Society’s Gogte Institute of Technology, Angadi Institute of Technology and Management, Maratha Mandal Engineering College, Dr. M. M. Seshadri KLE and KLE CET, Hubli delivered valuable lectures and held hands on lab for the participants, who gained valuable insights into the concepts of F.E.A and usage of the ANSYS software.Click to view Gallery
EVENT-Industrial Visit was organized for the third semester students of Mechanical Engg. Dept. students for academic purpose. The accompanying staff were S. R. Kulkarni sir and D. B. Lakshmi madam.Click to view GalleryEVENT-Re - inauguration of AME (Association of Mechanical Engineers) was done on Friday, 11th of August 2017 in the premises of VPP, Tilakwadi, Belagavi. Invocation song was presented by Mr. Shrivatsa Huddar, student of Ist Sem of Mechanical Engg. Dept. Prof. S. H. Bhagavati, President of AME made the welcome speech. Forthcoming events were announced by Prof. K. M. Angadi, Chairman of AME. Events organized by AME in the last academic year (2016-2017) were put forward by Prof. P. P. Gurjar, secretary of the AME. Dr. S. K. Ambekar, principal of KLS’s VPP presided as the patron of the AME. He assured his support to the association in all its forthcoming activities. He appealed to the students to make best use of the activities organized by the association in order to develop leadership qualities and skills. Lastly Mr.Nikhil. S. Shinde, student secretary of AME, proposed vote of thanks.Click to view Gallery
On Friday the 28th of July 2017,TECH – TALK, an orientation program was organized by mechanical department for the 3rd and 5th SEM students of Mechanical, Civil and Architectural departments. A 1 hr session was conducted for the students of the Mechanical department, to make them aware of the existing S/W programmes like CATIA, ProE, CAD/ CAM, etc…The resource persons were Mr. Anataram (national head of CADD center), Mr. Eeshwar (Mech dept) and Ms. Aishwarya (Civil, Arch).They delivered talks on the softwares relating to their respective fields.Click to view Gallery
Fire Fighting activity at Fire Station Gova-ves, BelagaviClick to view Gallery
Smart Wheel Chair Project Exhibition at VTU & Received Consolation Award from VTU BelagaviClick to view Gallery
Felicitation to Mr.Kaushk Patil, for International Level Football team selection for Asia Region KLS Board Meeting Hall By all the DirectorsClick to view Gallery